I Don’t Feel Confident About Myself. Can Therapy For Low Self-Esteem Help?

2 Pepole

We have an answer to your question; however, we would like to begin with a phrase–

‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.’

Did you ever think about the essence of this expression? Maybe not. Imagine you are all alone on a sunny day with lemons in your hand. Will you directly consume the lemons, or will you make lemonade? Your answer pretty much points to lemonades. This phrase sums up your whole life. Lemon’s sourness tells your struggles, and lemonade shows how well you handle them. Regardless of where you go, make the most of your journey. 

At Divine Therapy, we meet people who struggle with low self-esteem. That is, no matter how good they are professionally or at home, they cannot feel confident about their abilities and qualities. While our therapy for low self-esteem can help you feel confident about yourself, we want to bring you a brief insight into how we will do it. Let’s begin!

Build Relationship With You

Life throws many challenges at you. Sometimes you surpass them, but your feet stumble to stand firm a few times. And, at many times, you stand against yourself. As a human, you will often find yourself against yourself; it is always hard to meet that similar-looking face. But, with courage, it’s as easy as snapping your finger. Every individual living on this planet needs oxygen and water as two necessities. However, to survive, you must first learn to love yourself. Oscar Wilde once wrote–

“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.”

It sums up the whole mantra behind our therapy. It helps you build a strong, absolute self-relationship with yourself. As an outcome, you will have a realistic and appreciative opinion of yourself.

Therapies For Self-Esteem

Self-esteem-focused approaches are  included in all mental health treatment therapies, and here are the therapies that particularly suit the purpose of self-esteem:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

In short, CBT as an approach is a proven therapy that addresses the impact of behavior and thoughts on an individual in a given situation. As cognitive factors maintain self-esteem, CBT as an approach is considered most effective for self-esteem enhancement purposes.

Client-Centered Therapy

It is a humanistic approach that centers around the idea that humans possess everything they need to flourish. The therapist encourages clients to be more empathetic, creative, curious, and intuitive, which helps them reach their full potential.

Rational Emotive Therapy

It helps in treating distress by addressing faulty or irrational beliefs. The focus here is not on the situation but instead on the client’s view of that situation.

Mindfulness Therapy

It works around Buddhist philosophy and helps remove negative judgments about oneself by relaxing the mind. Mindfulness-based counseling uses meditation practices for treating psychological and emotional problems.

Narrative Therapy

Narrative therapists work with clients to address how their self-stories build a perception of their personality. If the person’s narrative causes damage to him, then the therapist would help him re-author the story. It helps to reduce social stigma.

Activities For Therapy Sessions

A therapist may not use all the therapies mentioned above; however, in every case, your therapist will employ a set of general activities for self-esteem enhancement. Here is what the activities will focus upon:

  • Self-esteem sentence worksheets for building an optimistic self
  • Self-esteem surveys help a counselor analyze a client’s situation.
  • Habit Tracker, to help clients monitor their everyday activities.
  • Activities that help you befriend your inner critic.
  • Role-playing activities to help the individual accept compliments.
  • It makes you accept yourself by teaching the importance of self-worth.

Exercises For Group Therapies

According to clinical research, group therapies are an excellent way to address the problems of depression, anxiety, and addiction. It helps people get out of isolation and promotes good bonding with others. It also allows individuals to learn different perspectives about the same problems. Here are examples of a few exercises that your therapist may use in group sessions:

Ice Breakers:

To ease the awkwardness and get everyone in the group to talk, ice breakers are indeed a boon.


Discussion about things that everyone in the group is grateful for makes a strong positive impact on every individual.


It is a great way to make your group members feel good about themselves and, as a result, build their self-esteem.

Success Sharing:

When people talk about their struggles to reach their goals, it inspires and motivates everyone to keep going and never give up.

A Take-Home Message From Divine Therapy

Divine therapy can offer counseling and online hypnotherapy for self-esteem enhancement and other mental health issues. However, at every step, it is you, for you, with you, and even against you. Every individual wants to experience a joyful life with meaningful relationships, but don’t forget– you need to build a positive relationship with yourself, first. So, start accepting your actions and yourself because no one else is affected when you look down upon yourself. Be strong and confident. Rest, we are here to support you!

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