Dr. Lancaster


Do you often find life a complex puzzle? Perhaps a maze, where no matter which path you go on, it seems inescapable. Life can be tricky sometimes, but still, it’s the most beautiful feeling to be truly alive. However, when times turn rough, people struggle to find a balance between their emotions and mind. It […]


Girl talking

Can Therapy Help You Gain Power Over Yourself?

Some believe that counseling is only for weaklings and not for strong-headed people who hide their feelings. In reality, the use of psychotherapy to achieve deep healing and success are a good idea, and the wisest of people, globally, use it.  Unfortunately, people’s lives have become very busy, stressful, and full of gadgets. They create

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Spiritual Healing Therapy

How Can Spiritual Therapy Help To Solve Anxiety and Other Mental Health Issues?

Since mental problem of anxiety frequently has the unknown or a lack of control factor over something at its foundation, fear is prominent. Your nervousness, irritability, and negative self-beliefs can hamper or put an end to your academic studies, work life, social activities, or spiritual endeavors. However, studies have shown that guidance, a sense of

How Can Spiritual Therapy Help To Solve Anxiety and Other Mental Health Issues? Read More »

Man in mirror

Narcissism: Symptoms, Causes & How To Deal With It!

Humans differ in many aspects. We have unique facial features, height, weight, and everything else. You and I may even belong to different cultures, yet we got 24 ribs. There are many other similarities, yet we can also find many differences such as our personalities. Why? Concept Of Narcissism Our personalities are a reflection of

Narcissism: Symptoms, Causes & How To Deal With It! Read More »


Identifying The “Self” Through Jungian Therapy

In the 20th Century, Carl Jung was a pioneering psychologist that contributed significantly to developing the field of psychology. He is most known for his Depth Psychology, or Jungian Therapy, for insightful theories about the unconscious. In particular, Jung is known for his writings about “archetypes”, meaning universal truths, that live in humanity’s “collective unconscious.”

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group discussion

Group Therapy & Its Core Benefits!

Group therapy can treat your mental-emotional-social-behavioral issues. People, for example, participate in this type of therapy for grief counseling to help them overcome their sadness, loneliness, heart ache, etc. However, group therapy can also help people who have communication problems, such as poor social interactions, due to suffering from different upsetting issues. In this blog,

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girl talking on phone

How Does Negative Self-talk Arise And How Do We Overcome It?

Negative Self-Talk Due to unresolved issues, memories, or patterns from a person’s painful childhood, or from having a judgemental mind, our thoughts can be severely negative. To get rid of these mental conflicts—which creates negative self-talk—people may consult a  psychotherapist. We often wonder why we think badly about ourselves, which lowers our self-esteem and confidence.

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Jungian Therapy Woman

Is Carl Jung’s Analytical Psychology Useful Today?

Carl Gustav Jung was a famous psychologist. He was born in Switzerland during the year of 1875.  Born into a family of philologists, pastors, and mystics, he keenly observed human behavior. As an adult, Jung tried to conceptualize what he saw, which led to his association with Sigmund Freud. But, due to differences in viewpoints,

Is Carl Jung’s Analytical Psychology Useful Today? Read More »

girl lost ins stars

Psycho-Spiritual Therapy: The Deepest Way To Discover Yourself!

Mental Health issues have become the new normal affecting every 1 in 8 people worldwide. The deteriorating situation poses a challenge for the mental health profession to devise innovative and evidence-based methods that suits a person’s condition. But things don’t end with merely science. Psychotherapy, like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or EMDR therapy are commonly

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