What Does Anxiety Feel Like?

Before starting with this question, let us talk about mental health first. What does mental health mean to you? Is it like counseling services students get in schools or advanced counseling services outside of school?

Anxiety Therapy

Mental Health: the case is often neglected!

It doesn’t equate to any of the given options. Yet, people equate psychotherapy with general counseling sessions. Counseling sessions are more of a talking session where a counselor, in school, for instance, may help a child identify his strengths and weaknesses. In layman’s terms, psychotherapy means using scientific methods to identify the root cause of mental health issues and provide an appropriate solution. People are increasingly becoming more stressed and anxious when coming back to mental health. The reasons can be many: the workaholic lifestyle; two, unhealthy relationships, and many more. The list is as long as the diversity in human nature. Mental health issues can vary from stress to more serious PTSD. And each issue impacts your overall health. Therefore, ignoring the cause may be too much trouble; ask yourself. Among these, one problem people often suffer from is anxiety.

However, people don’t even recognize anxiety. The stereotypical mindset of neglecting mental health is the root cause behind your worsening situation. Read on to know more about what anxiety may feel like.

Anxiety: Different forms

Anxiety can have different forms. It may feel like being choked for some, while others may feel restless. It can be unpredictable and messy, mental and physical, insidious and overpowering, and sometimes so debilitating that you cannot think, speak or even move. It is difficult for people living with chronic anxiety to describe what they feel or go through. You can be worried or stressed, and even both simultaneously. Even these instances may not fully explain what chronic anxiety may feel like to many of you. The problem here is not the words but the variation in characteristics of chronic anxiety. To best describe, we have chosen to give you some examples of what anxiety may feel like:

Like a knife stabbing your chest

What sounds like an exaggeration is felt by many people who suffer from anxiety. It can take up the shape of physical symptoms such as sharp chest pains. It will be different from what you may normally feel. And, with each breath, the intensity will increase as if a knife is being stabbed in your chest. It can last for minutes or even hours. Pounding heart, persistent tightness in the body, and sweaty palms could be other physical symptoms.

When a panic attack extends for hours, you may start losing control of your mind and body. It is an alarming call; your anxiety is more than just worrying.

Negative cloud following you everywhere

Self-consciousness, self-judgment, or inferiority complex, give it any name. Still, the name you choose may not aptly describe your feelings. You may talk about how a cloud filled with negative thoughts is constantly surrounding you, and still, your friends may not be able to label your problem as anxiety. Yes, optimistic values can help you, but optimism soon disappears when you encounter a situation that makes you judge yourself.

To break through this loop, you need constant practice and patience. It would help to begin by accepting the negative spiral encircling your mind. Next, try out some breathing exercises. Keep it slow, one at a time, and if the negativity persists, seek a professional’s help.

Like not your real self

People suffering from anxiety often feel as if they’re no longer present. The way they act, talk or react is different. It is like being trapped in the body while someone else guides your body movements. Do you ask yourself who this person is– mostly fidgeting, blank and silent? This feeling of powerlessness is the extreme symptom of chronic anxiety. The imposter doesn’t let you come out no matter how hard you try.

If this happens, try out breathing exercises, talk to people you trust, and if nothing helps, go to a psychotherapist.

Brain fog

Anxiety means different things to different people; however, common symptoms remain the same. In addition to the above three symptoms, people suffering from anxiety can suffer from continuous instances of brain fog. Simply put, unresponsiveness or the inability to respond to a specific stimulus. They are there, but you can see blank eyes and no response from them. It means they are having an anxiety attack where their brain is not allowing proper functioning.

If you see someone in this situation, try to calm them down and give them time to relax. If nothing works, try psychotherapy.

Closing thoughts!

We hope these four cases will help you get insight into chronic anxiety. It is good for people who suffer from anxiety to recognize their situation. If it feels overwhelming, try to seek the help of an anxiety therapist Los Angeles. Empathy can take us a long way in helping people who suffer from anxiety attacks. Remember, communication is the key, and a little support and courage can help us create a better world for all.

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